--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- # Login Let's add a login/logout link in the top-right corner. In our `AppComponent`, we add a boolean property to manage the login status, and we use the `authentication` service to set its value: ```ts export class AppComponent { logged = false; constructor( ... ) { ... this.services.authentication.isAuthenticated.subscribe(auth => { this.logged = auth.state; }); } ``` Now, if we are not logged in yet, we display in `app.component.html` a link to traverse to the `@@login` view: ```html+ng2
``` Let's implement the logout link. ````{dropdown} Solution :animate: fade-in-slide-down :icon: question We add a second link with an output bound to the `click` event, which will call the `logout()` method of our component. ```html+ng2
Login Logout
``` So let's define the `logout()` method: ```ts logout() { this.services.authentication.logout(); } ``` ```` Now if we create private contents in Plone, they won't show unless we are logged in.