--- myst: html_meta: "description": "Bundle analyzing" "property=og:description": "Bundle analyzing" "property=og:title": "Bundle analyzing" "keywords": "Volto, Plone, Bundle, Performance, Optimization" --- # Bundle analyzing Once you start developing your custom Volto project, you'll load a lot of third party code, your own code, etc. In short, you'll be asking your visitors to load, parse and execute a lot of JavaScript code. One of the key techniques to avoid loading all Volto code at once is to use the [Webpack code splitting](https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/) feature, which allows the big JavaScript files to be split and load "on demand", as soon as new components require it. See more about this in the [Lazy Loading](./lazyloading) chapter. To understand how much of an impact, and how to further optimize the chunking process, Volto includes integration with the [Webpack Bundle Analyzer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webpack-bundle-analyzer). To trigger it, run: ``` yarn analyze ``` This will trigger a production build (`yarn build`) and then open a browser at [http://localhost:8888](http://localhost:8888) where you can see the way your JS static resources bundle has been split into chunks and the content of each chunk.