--- myst: html_meta: "description": "Shortcuts" "property=og:description": "Shortcuts" "property=og:title": "Shortcuts" "keywords": "Volto, Plone, Webpack, JavaScript, Packaging" --- # Shortcuts Volto provides the following available names for JavaScript and LESS imports: ## `@root` / `@package` Volto has in place shortcuts to refer to special places in code. This helps in the build when working on a Volto project (when Volto is used as a library) or in a pure Volto core build. Both `@root` and `@package` points to the current top level of either our Volto project or in pure Volto core. ```{deprecated} Volto 17.0.0 Since `@package` naming is confusing, specially in an add-on environment, it will be deprecated from Volto 17.0.0 on, in favor of `@root`. In the meanwhile, both shortcuts are enabled. ``` ## volto-themes The `volto-themes` name always points to the current Volto Semanticu-UI themes folder, so it can resolve to either `node_modules/@plone/volto/theme/themes` or `../theme/themes`, etc, depending on how Volto is run. ## volto-original This name allows access to the original, unshadowed modules. When shadowing one of Volto's modules, you can access the original file and use it in the override.