--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- (plone5-dexterity3-label)= # Dexterity Types III: Python ````{sidebar} Get the code! Code for the beginning of this chapter: ```shell git checkout resources ``` Code for the end of this chapter: ```shell git checkout dexterity_3 ``` {doc}`code` ```` Without sponsors, a conference would be hard to finance! Plus it is a good opportunity for Plone companies to advertise their services. But sponsors want to be displayed in a nice way according to the size of their sponsorship. In this part we will: - create the content type _sponsor_ that has a Python schema, - create a viewlet that shows the sponsor logos sorted by sponsoring level. The topics we cover are: - Python schema for Dexterity - schema hint and directives - field permissions - image scales - caching ## The Python schema First we create the schema for the new type. Instead of XML, we use Python this time. In chapter {ref}`plone5-export-code-label` you already created a folder {file}`content` with an empty {file}`__init__.py` in it. We don't need to register that folder in {file}`configure.zcml` since we don't need a {file}`content/configure.zcml` (at least not yet). Now add a new file {file}`content/sponsor.py`. ```{code-block} python :linenos: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from plone.app.textfield import RichText from plone.autoform import directives from plone.namedfile import field as namedfile from plone.supermodel import model from plone.supermodel.directives import fieldset from ploneconf.site import _ from z3c.form.browser.radio import RadioFieldWidget from zope import schema from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary LevelVocabulary = SimpleVocabulary( [SimpleTerm(value=u'platinum', title=_(u'Platinum Sponsor')), SimpleTerm(value=u'gold', title=_(u'Gold Sponsor')), SimpleTerm(value=u'silver', title=_(u'Silver Sponsor')), SimpleTerm(value=u'bronze', title=_(u'Bronze Sponsor'))] ) class ISponsor(model.Schema): """Dexterity Schema for Sponsors """ directives.widget(level=RadioFieldWidget) level = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Sponsoring Level'), vocabulary=LevelVocabulary, required=True ) text = RichText( title=_(u'Text'), required=False ) url = schema.URI( title=_(u'Link'), required=False ) fieldset('Images', fields=['logo', 'advertisement']) logo = namedfile.NamedBlobImage( title=_(u'Logo'), required=False, ) advertisement = namedfile.NamedBlobImage( title=_(u'Advertisement (Gold-sponsors and above)'), required=False, ) directives.read_permission(notes='cmf.ManagePortal') directives.write_permission(notes='cmf.ManagePortal') notes = RichText( title=_(u'Secret Notes (only for site-admins)'), required=False ) ``` Some things are notable here: - The fields in the schema are mostly from {py:mod}`zope.schema`. A reference of available fields is at - In {samp}`directives.widget(level=RadioFieldWidget)` we change the default widget for a Choice field from a dropdown to radio-boxes. An incomplete reference of available widgets is at - {py:class}`LevelVocabulary` is used to create the options used in the field `level`. This way we could easily translate the displayed value. - {samp}`fieldset('Images', fields=['logo', 'advertisement'])` moves the two image fields to another tab. - {samp}`directives.read_permission(...)` sets the read and write permission for the field `notes` to users who can add new members. Usually this permission is only granted to Site Administrators and Managers. We use it to store information that should not be publicly visible. Please note that {py:attr}`obj.notes` is still accessible in templates and Python. Only using the widget (like we do in the view later) checks for the permission. ```{seealso} See the chapter {ref}`plone5-dexterity-reference-label` for a reference of all field-types and directives you can use in dexterity. ``` ## The Factory Type Information, or FTI Next, we create the factory type information ("FTI") for the new type in {file}`profiles/default/types/sponsor.xml` ```{code-block} xml :emphasize-lines: 26 :linenos: Sponsor string:${portal_url}/document_icon.png sponsor string:${folder_url}/++add++sponsor view True True False view False cmf.AddPortalContent plone.dexterity.content.Container ploneconf.site.content.sponsor.ISponsor dexterity ``` Then we register the FTI in {file}`profiles/default/types.xml` ```{code-block} xml :emphasize-lines: 5 :linenos: Controls the available contenttypes in your portal ``` After reinstalling our package we can create the new type. ### Exercise 1 Sponsors are containers but they don't need to be. Turn them into items by changing their class to {py:class}`plone.dexterity.content.Item`. ````{dropdown} Solution :animate: fade-in-slide-down :icon: question Simply modify the property `klass` in the FTI and reinstall. ```{code-block} xml :linenos: plone.dexterity.content.Item ``` ```` ## The view We use the default view provided by Dexterity for testing since we will only display the sponsors in a viewlet and not in their own page. ````{note} If we really want a custom view for sponsors it could look like this. ```{code-block} xml :linenos:


``` Note how we handle the field with special permissions: {samp}`tal:condition="python: 'notes' in view.w"` checks if the convenience-dictionary {py:data}`w` (provided by the base class {py:class}`DefaultView`) holds the widget for the field `notes`. If the current user does not have the permission `cmf.ManagePortal` it will be omitted from the dictionary and get an error since `notes` would not be a key in {py:data}`w`. By first checking if it's missing we work around that. ```` ## The viewlet Instead of writing a view you will have to display the sponsors at the bottom of the website in a viewlet. Register the viewlet in {file}`browser/configure.zcml` ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` Add the viewlet class in {file}`browser/viewlets.py` ```{code-block} python :emphasize-lines: 2-3, 5, 7-9, 19-63 :linenos: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict from plone import api from plone.app.layout.viewlets.common import ViewletBase from plone.memoize import ram from ploneconf.site.behaviors.featured import IFeatured from ploneconf.site.content.sponsor import LevelVocabulary from random import shuffle from time import time class FeaturedViewlet(ViewletBase): def is_featured(self): adapted = IFeatured(self.context) return adapted.featured class SponsorsViewlet(ViewletBase): @ram.cache(lambda *args: time() // (60 * 60)) def _sponsors(self): results = [] for brain in api.content.find(portal_type='sponsor'): obj = brain.getObject() scales = api.content.get_view( name='images', context=obj, request=self.request) scale = scales.scale( 'logo', width=200, height=80, direction='down') tag = scale.tag() if scale else None if not tag: # only display sponsors with a logo continue results.append({ 'title': obj.title, 'description': obj.description, 'tag': tag, 'url': obj.url or obj.absolute_url(), 'level': obj.level }) return results def sponsors(self): sponsors = self._sponsors() if not sponsors: return results = OrderedDict() levels = [i.value for i in LevelVocabulary] for level in levels: level_sponsors = [] for sponsor in sponsors: if level == sponsor['level']: level_sponsors.append(sponsor) if not level_sponsors: continue shuffle(level_sponsors) results[level] = level_sponsors return results ``` - {py:meth}`_sponsors` returns a list of dictionaries containing all necessary info about sponsors. - We create the complete `img` tag using a custom scale (200x80) using the view `images` from {py:mod}`plone.namedfile.` This actually scales the logos and saves them as new blobs. - In {py:meth}`sponsors` we return an ordered dictionary of randomized lists of dicts (containing the information on sponsors). The order is by sponsor-level since we want the platinum sponsors on top and the bronze sponsors at the bottom. The randomization is for fairness among equal sponsors. {py:meth}`_sponsors` is cached for an hour using [plone.memoize](https://5.docs.plone.org/manage/deploying/performance/decorators.html#timeout-caches). This way we don't need to keep all sponsor objects in memory all the time. But we'd have to wait for up to an hour until changes will be visible. Instead we should cache until one of the sponsors is modified by using a callable {py:func}`_sponsors_cachekey` that returns a number that changes when a sponsor is modified. > ```python > ... > def _sponsors_cachekey(method, self): > brains = api.content.find(portal_type='sponsor') > cachekey = sum([int(i.modified) for i in brains]) > return cachekey > > @ram.cache(_sponsors_cachekey) > def _sponsors(self): > catalog = api.portal.get_tool('portal_catalog') > ... > ``` ```{seealso} - [Guide to Caching](https://5.docs.plone.org/manage/deploying/caching/index.html) - [Cache decorators](https://5.docs.plone.org/manage/deploying/performance/decorators.html) - [Image Scaling](https://5.docs.plone.org/develop/plone/images/content.html#creating-scales) ``` ## The template for the viewlet Add the template {file}`browser/templates/sponsors_viewlet.pt` ```{code-block} xml :linenos:

We ❤ our sponsors


``` You can now add some CSS in {file}`browser/static/ploneconf.css` to make it look OK. ```css .sponsor { display: inline-block; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; } .sponsor:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #000; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 8px #000; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px #000; } ``` Result: ```{figure} _static/dexterity_3_sponsor_schema.png :alt: The result of the newly created content type. :scale: 50% The result of the newly created content type. ``` ### Exercise 2 Turn the content type Speaker from {ref}`Exercise 2 of the first chapter on Dexterity ` into a Python-based type. When we're done, it should have the following fields: - title - email - homepage - biography - company - twitter_name - irc_name - image Do _not_ use the {py:class}`IBasic` or {py:class}`IDublinCore` behavior to add title and description. Instead add your own field `title` and give it the title _Name_. ````{dropdown} Solution :animate: fade-in-slide-down :icon: question ```{code-block} python :linenos: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from plone.app.textfield import RichText from plone.app.vocabularies.catalog import CatalogSource from plone.autoform import directives from plone.namedfile import field as namedfile from plone.supermodel import model from ploneconf.site import _ from z3c.relationfield.schema import RelationChoice from z3c.relationfield.schema import RelationList from zope import schema class ISpeaker(model.Schema): """Dexterity-Schema for Speaker """ title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Name'), ) email = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'E-Mail'), required=False, ) homepage = schema.URI( title=_(u'Homepage'), required=False, ) biography = RichText( title=_(u'Biography'), required=False, ) company = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Company'), required=False, ) twitter_name = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Twitter-Name'), required=False, ) irc_name = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'IRC-Name'), required=False, ) image = namedfile.NamedBlobImage( title=_(u'Image'), required=False, ) ``` Register the type in {file}`profiles/default/types.xml` ```{code-block} xml :emphasize-lines: 6 :linenos: Controls the available contenttypes in your portal ``` The FTI goes in {file}`profiles/default/types/speaker.xml`. Again we use {py:class}`Item` as the base-class: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: Speaker speaker string:${folder_url}/++add++speaker view True True False view False cmf.AddPortalContent plone.dexterity.content.Item ploneconf.site.content.speaker.ISpeaker dexterity ``` After reinstalling the package the new type is usable. ```` ### Exercise 3 This is more of a Python exercise. The gold and bronze sponsors should also have a bigger logo than the others. Scale the sponsors' logos to the following sizes without using CSS. - Platinum: 500x200 - Gold: 350x150 - Silver: 200x80 - Bronze: 150x60 ````{dropdown} Solution :animate: fade-in-slide-down :icon: question ```{code-block} python :emphasize-lines: 10-15, 41, 44-45 :linenos: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict from plone import api from plone.app.layout.viewlets.common import ViewletBase from plone.memoize import ram from ploneconf.site.behaviors.social import ISocial from ploneconf.site.content.sponsor import LevelVocabulary from random import shuffle LEVEL_SIZE_MAPPING = { 'platinum': (500, 200), 'gold': (350, 150), 'silver': (200, 80), 'bronze': (150, 60), } class SocialViewlet(ViewletBase): def lanyrd_link(self): adapted = ISocial(self.context) return adapted.lanyrd class SponsorsViewlet(ViewletBase): def _sponsors_cachekey(method, self): brains = api.content.find(portal_type='sponsor') cachekey = sum([int(i.modified) for i in brains]) return cachekey @ram.cache(_sponsors_cachekey) def _sponsors(self): results = [] for brain in api.content.find(portal_type='sponsor'): obj = brain.getObject() scales = api.content.get_view( name='images', context=obj, request=self.request) width, height = LEVEL_SIZE_MAPPING[obj.level] scale = scales.scale( 'logo', width=width, height=height, direction='down') tag = scale.tag() if scale else None if not tag: # only display sponsors with a logo continue results.append({ 'title': obj.title, 'description': obj.description, 'tag': tag, 'url': obj.url or obj.absolute_url(), 'level': obj.level }) return results def sponsors(self): sponsors = self._sponsors() if not sponsors: return results = OrderedDict() levels = [i.value for i in LevelVocabulary] for level in levels: level_sponsors = [] for sponsor in sponsors: if level == sponsor['level']: level_sponsors.append(sponsor) if not level_sponsors: continue shuffle(level_sponsors) results[level] = level_sponsors return results ``` ````