--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- (mastering-plone5-label)= # Mastering Plone 5 Development This is the documentation for the "Mastering Plone 5" training. Mastering Plone is intended as a week-long training for people who are new to Plone or want to learn about the current best practices of Plone development. It can be split in two trainings: - A beginner training (2 to 3 days) that covers chapters 1-18. - An advanced training (3 to 5 days) that covers the rest. At conferences a shortened 2-day version of the advanced training with a slightly modified order is held. ```{toctree} :caption: Mastering Plone 5 :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: true about_mastering intro what_is_plone installation ../plone_training_config/instructions_plone5 ../plone_training_config/what_vagrant_does case features anatomy plone5 configuring_customizing theming extending add-ons dexterity buildout_1 eggs1 export_code views_1 zpt zpt_2 views_2 views_3 testing behaviors_1 viewlets_1 api ide dexterity_2 custom_search events user_generated_content resources thirdparty_behaviors dexterity_3 dexterity_reference relations registry frontpage eggs2 behaviors_2 viewlets_2 reusable embed deployment_code deployment_sites restapi future_of_plone optional code ``` Please note that this document is *not complete* without the spoken word of a trainer. Even though we attempt to include the most important parts of what we teach in the narrative but reading it here can in no way be considered equal to attending a training.