--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- (mastering-plone-label)= # Mastering Plone 6 Development *Mastering Plone Development* is intended as a training to learn proven practices of Plone development. It's both, an online course and a sketch for an on-the-spot training. The story of a conference platform provides a week-long training of several development topics that can be split in two trainings: - A beginner training (2 to 3 days) covering the essentials of Plone and Plone Volto. - An advanced training (3 to 5 days) with additional advanced topics. ```{note} This is the *Mastering Plone 6 Development Training*. *Mastering Plone 6 Development Training* supplements {doc}`/mastering-plone-5/index` with known best practices for customizing and developing Plone 6: Plone Classic + frontend. In chapters handling Volto React frontend is a link to a chapter that covers the corresponding tasks in Plone Classic, and vice versa. Plone 6 is not yet released and thus the training is a work in-progress and there are still some rough edges. ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Mastering Plone 6 Development name: toc-mastering maxdepth: 2 numbered: true --- about_mastering video intro case what_is_plone installation instructions features plone_versions configuring_customizing volto_overrides volto_semantic_ui volto_theming extending add-ons eggs1 dexterity dexterity_2_talk dexterity_reference volto_development volto_talkview behaviors_1 volto_frontpage api ide events registry custom_search upgrade_steps volto_testing thirdparty_behaviors dexterity_3 volto_components_sponsors volto_addon volto_custom_addon volto_custom_addon2 user_generated_content relations eggs2 behaviors_2 endpoints volto_actions reusable deployment_code restapi code trainer ``` Please note that this document is *not complete* without the spoken word of a trainer. We attempt to include the most important parts of what we teach in the training. But reading it here can not be considered equal to attending a training.