--- myst: html_meta: "description": "Display content type" "property=og:description": "Display content type" "property=og:title": "Volto View Component: A Default View for a Talk" "keywords": "view, content type" --- (volto-talkview-label)= # Volto View Component: A Default View for a "Talk" ````{sidebar} Plone Frontend Chapter ```{figure} _static/plone-training-logo-for-frontend.svg :alt: Plone frontend :class: logo ``` --- Get the code! ({doc}`More info `) Code for the beginning of this chapter: ```shell git checkout theming ``` Code for the end of this chapter: ```shell git checkout talkview ``` ```` In this part we will: - Create a view to display a talk - Register a React view component for content type talk - Write the view component Topics covered: - View - Displaying data stored in fields of a content type - React Basics The default visualization for our new content type `talk` lists the field values according to the type schema. Since we want to show the talk data in a nice way, display the speaker portrait and add some components, we write a custom view for type talk. In the folder {file}`frontend` you need to add a new file {file}`src/components/Views/Talk.jsx`. Create the folder {file}`Views` first. As a first step, the file will hold only a placeholder. A view is a React component. So we write a component function that just returns the info about what it will be. ```jsx import React from 'react'; const TalkView = props => { return
I am the TalkView component!
; }; export default TalkView; ``` Also add a convenience import of the new component to {file}`src/components/index.js`: ```jsx import TalkView from './Views/Talk'; export { TalkView }; ``` This is a common practice and allows us to import the new view component as `import { TalkView } from './components';` instead of `import { TalkView } from './components/Views/Talk';`. Now register the new component as the default view for `talks` in {file}`src/config.js`. ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 1,9-12 import { TalkView } from './components'; // All your imports required for the config here BEFORE this line import '@plone/volto/config'; export default function applyConfig(config) { config.views = { ...config.views, contentTypesViews: { ...config.views.contentTypesViews, talk: TalkView, }, }; return config; } ``` - This extends the Volto default setting `config.views.contentTypesViews` with the key/value pair `talk: TalkView`. - It uses the [spread syntax](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax) to take the default settings and overrides what needs to be overridden. When Volto is running (with `yarn start`) it picks up these configuration modifications and displays the placeholder in place of the previously used default view. Now we will improve this view step by step. First we reuse the component `DefaultView.jsx` in our custom view: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 2,5 import React from 'react'; import { DefaultView } from '@plone/volto/components'; const TalkView = (props) => { return ; }; export default TalkView; ``` We will now add the content from the field `details` after the `DefaultView`. ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 5,7,9-10 import React from 'react'; import { DefaultView } from '@plone/volto/components'; const TalkView = (props) => { const { content } = props; return ( <>
); }; export default TalkView; ``` - `<> ` is a fragment. The return value of React needs to be one single element. - The variable `props` is used to receive data from the parent component. As the TalkView component is registered as a content type view, it receives the content data and some more. We will use the content part. So we introduce a constant `content` to be more explicit. - `content.details` is the value of the richtext field `details` with mime type, encoding and the data: ```jsx { 'content-type': 'text/html', data: '

foo bar...

', encoding: 'utf8' }; ``` See {doc}`plone6docs:plone.restapi/docs/source/usage/serialization`. - `content.details.data` holds the raw html. To render it properly we use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` (see https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/dom-elements.html#dangerouslysetinnerhtml). Please check the 'components' tab of Google developer tools to see the field values of your talk instance. The result is not really beautiful, because the text sticks to the left border of the page. You need to wrap it in a `Container` to get the same styling as the content of `DefaultView`: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 3,10,12 import React from 'react'; import { DefaultView } from '@plone/volto/components'; import { Container } from 'semantic-ui-react'; const TalkView = props => { const { content } = props; return ( <>
); }; export default TalkView; ``` - `Container` is a component from [Semantic UI React](https://react.semantic-ui.com/elements/container/) and needs to be imported before it is used. We now decide to display the type of talk in the title (E.g. "Keynote: The Future of Plone"). This means we cannot use `DefaultView` anymore since that displays the title like this: `


`. Instead we display the title and description in a custom way. This has multiple benefits: - All content can now be wrapped in the same `Container` which cleans up the html. - We can control where the speaker portrait is displayed. We can now move all information on the speaker into a separate box. The speaker portrait is picked up by the DefaultView because the fields name is `image`, which is the same as the image from the behavior `plone.leadimage`. With this changes we do discard the title tag in the HTML head though. This will change the name occurring in the browser tab or browser head to the current site url. To use the content title instead, you'll have to import the `Helmet` component, which allows to overwrite all meta tags for the HTML head like the page-title. ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 3,9-16 import React from 'react'; import { Container } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { Helmet } from '@plone/volto/helpers'; const TalkView = props => { const { content } = props; return (

{content.type_of_talk.title}: {content.title}

{content.description && (


); }; export default TalkView; ``` - `content.type_of_talk` is the json representation of the value from the choice field `type_of_talk`: `{token: "training", title: "Training"}`. We display the title. - The `&&` in `{content.description && (


)}` makes sure, that this paragraph is only rendered, if the talk actually has a description. Next we add a segment with info on the speaker: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 2,16-30 import React from 'react'; import { Container, Header, Segment } from 'semantic-ui-react'; const TalkView = (props) => { const { content } = props; return (

{content.type_of_talk.title} {content.title}

{content.description && (


{content.speaker &&

{content.company || content.website}

{content.email && (

Email: {content.email}

)} {content.speaker_biography && (
)} ); }; export default TalkView; ``` - We use the component [Segment](https://react.semantic-ui.com/elements/segment/#variations-clearing) for the box. - `` {`mailto:${content.email}`} `` is a [template literal](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals) Next we add the image: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 2,3,24-30 import React from 'react'; import { Container, Header, Image, Segment } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { flattenToAppURL } from '@plone/volto/helpers'; const TalkView = (props) => { const { content } = props; return (

{content.type_of_talk.title} {content.title}

{content.description && (


{content.speaker &&

{content.company || content.website}

{content.email && (

Email: {content.email}

)} {content.image_caption} {content.speaker_biography && (
)} ); }; export default TalkView; ``` - We use the component [Image](https://react.semantic-ui.com/elements/image/#variations-avatar) - We use `flattenToAppURL` to turn the Plone url of the image to the Volto url, e.g. it turns into . - Open the React Developer Tools in your browser and inspect the property `image` of TalkView and its property `scale`. If you look at the [documentation for the serialization of image-fields](https://6.docs.plone.org/plone.restapi/docs/source/usage/serialization.html#file-image-fields) you can find out where that information comes from. - To deal with talks without speaker image, we check for the existence of the image with `content.image?.scales?.preview?.download`. The expression with question marks returns `undefined` if `content` has no `image` key or `content.image` has no `scales` key and so on. `?.` is the [optional chaining](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Optional_chaining) operator. Next we add the audience: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 2,7-11,22-29 import React from 'react'; import { Container, Header, Image, Label, Segment } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { flattenToAppURL } from '@plone/volto/helpers'; const TalkView = (props) => { const { content } = props; const color_mapping = { beginner: 'green', advanced: 'yellow', professional: 'purple', }; return (

{content.type_of_talk.title || content.type_of_talk.token}:{' '} {content.title}

{content.description && (


)} {content.audience?.map((item) => { let color = color_mapping[item.token] || 'green'; return ( ); })}
{content.speaker &&

{content.company || content.website}

{content.email && (

Email: {content.email}

)} {content.image_caption} {content.speaker_biography && (
)} ); }; export default TalkView; ``` - With `{content.audience?.map(item => {...})}` we iterate over the individual values of the choice field `audience` if that exists. - [map](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map) is used to iterate over the array `audience` using an [Arrow-function (=>)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions) in which `item` is one item in audience. - The `item` is an `Object` like `{'title': 'Advanced', 'token': 'advanced'}`. - We map the available field values to colors and use green as a fallback. As a last step we show the last few fields `website` and `company`, `github` and `twitter`: ```{code-block} jsx :emphasize-lines: 36-42,50-66 import React from 'react'; import { flattenToAppURL } from '@plone/volto/helpers'; import { Container, Header, Image, Label, Segment } from 'semantic-ui-react'; const TalkView = (props) => { const { content } = props; const color_mapping = { Beginner: 'green', Advanced: 'yellow', Professional: 'purple', }; return (

{content.type_of_talk.title || content.type_of_talk.token}:{' '} {content.title}

{content.description && (


)} {content.audience?.map((item) => { let audience = item.title || item.token; let color = color_mapping[audience] || 'green'; return ( ); })} {content.details && (
)} {content.speaker &&
} {content.website ? (

{content.company || content.website}

) : (


)} {content.email && (

Email: {content.email}

)} {content.twitter && (

Twitter:{' '} {content.twitter.startsWith('@') ? content.twitter : '@' + content.twitter}

)} {content.github && (

Github:{' '} {content.github}

)} {content.image && ( {content.image_caption} )} {content.speaker_biography && (
)} ); }; export default TalkView; ``` ## Summary - We created a view for a content type to display its data - We treated the case of missing values