--- myst: html_meta: "description": "Adjusting the visual representation of Plone with Diazo" "property=og:description": "Adjusting the visual representation of Plone with Diazo" "property=og:title": "Plone 5 Theming" "keywords": "Plone, Classic UI, theming, training" --- (plone-5-theming-label)= # Plone 5 Theming About : Adjusting the visual representation of Plone with {term}`Diazo` Level : All levels **Training Objective** The most important objective of this training is to explain how to adjust the layout and design of a Plone site. It will cover basic customizations you can do {term}`TTW` (Through-The-Web) in your Plone site, as well as advanced theming methods and tools to create stunning themes for your Plone website based on existing HTML templates. This training is **not** about: - How to write JavaScript and integrate it into Plone - How to create designs or templates used for the advanced theming ```{toctree} :caption: Theming :hidden: true :maxdepth: 3 Basic TTW Customizations TTW Theming I: Introduction TTW Theming II: Custom Barceloneta Theme TTW Theming III: Make It Reproducible Theme Package I: Preparations Theme Package II: Diazo Theme Theme Package III: Customizations Theme Package IV: Templates Theme Package V: Initial Content Theme Package VI: TinyMCE Templates Theme Package VII: Resource Registries adv-diazo collective-jbot custom-components ``` ```{toctree} :caption: Plone Trainings :hidden: true :maxdepth: 3 :name: plone-trainings-theming-toc ``` ```{seealso} - {ref}`ttw-label` - ```