--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- # TTW Theming III: Make It Reproducible You created your shiny brand new theme {term}`TTW`. ```{note} For more TTW (Through-The-Web) configuring and customizing options, see {ref}`ttw-label`. ``` Now, let's see how you can re-use it in another Plone site. 1. Go back to {guilabel}`Theming` control panel. 2. Click the {guilabel}`Download` button in the box of your theme. 3. The browser will download a zip file. 4. Go to the {term}`ZMI` root. 5. Create a new Plone site. 6. Go to the {guilabel}`Theming` control panel in that new Plone site. 7. Click on the {guilabel}`Upload zip file` button and select your downloaded theme. 8. Tick {guilabel}`Immediately enable new theme` and click on {guilabel}`Import`. 9. Go back to your Plone site: voilá!