--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- (code-walkthrough-label)= # Code Walkthrough Volto is based on React, Redux and React-Router. All the code is located in the `src` folder. Inside the `src` folder we used the default Redux folder structure. ## Actions `actions` contains all the redux actions for fetching all backend data like content, users and so on. ## Components `components` contains all the views. This includes views for the manage interface and the theme. ## Config In this folder all configuration is stored. All configuration can be overridden in your theme package. ## Constants The constants contain all constants including the action types. ## Helpers `helpers` contains helper methods like for example url helpers. ## Icons All the Pastanaga icons are located in this folder. ## Middleware The API middleware is located in this folder which takes care of the communication with the backend. ## Reducers All the reducers are located here. ## Theme The `theme` folder contains the Pastanaga theme which is used for the styling. The `theme.config` can be used to set the theme settings.