--- myst: html_meta: "description": "Learn how to quickly bootstrap and customize a Volto project" "property=og:description": "Learn how to quickly bootstrap and customize a Volto project" "property=og:title": "Volto Hands-On" "keywords": "Plone, Volto, Hands-On, training" --- (voltohandson-label)= # Volto Hands-On About : Learn how to quickly bootstrap and customize a Volto project Level : All levels This is the documentation for the "Volto Hands-On" training, which is intended as a half day training for people who already know the basics of ReactJS and Volto. ```{toctree} :caption: Volto Hands-On :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: true intro quickstart requirements starttheming header breadcrumbs footer configandcleanup introtoblocks highlight blocksdownload eventlistingtemplate contenttypeview ``` This training was created by Victor Fernandez de Alba (sneridagh).