--- myst: html_meta: "description": "" "property=og:description": "" "property=og:title": "" "keywords": "" --- # Can I talk to the supervisor? Miscellaneous topics that are related to Plone and WSGI but do not fit anywhere else (yet). ## Install Plone using pip The official Zope documentation provides instructions on how to [install Zope with pip](https://zope.readthedocs.io/en/latest/INSTALL.html#installing-zope-with-pip). It uses pip's `-c` option to specify a `constraints.txt` file that contains the version information (the known good set of package versions), similar to `versions.cfg` in `zc.buildout`. This is at the moment not possible with Plone because of a bug in `z3c.autoinclude`. `z3c.autoinclude` is not capable of resolving module paths of `pip` installed packages. See [this pull request](https://github.com/zopefoundation/z3c.autoinclude/pull/2) for some information. ## Protocols other than HTTP (FTP, WebDAV, ...) Currently there is no straightforward way for using protocols other than HTTP in a Plone WSGI setup, FTP and WebDAV being the most important ones. See .