4. Integrate a new block – Customizing Volto Light Theme

4. Integrate a new block#

In this training module, we'll learn how to integrate the @plone-collective/volto-relateditems-block into VLT. This block allows you to create links to related content in your Plone site.

4.1. Install @plone-collective/volto-relateditems-block#

To install the related items block, make sure you are in the frontend/packages/volto-my-project folder, and use the following command:


For now we'll be using an alpha release, so we need to specify the correct version.

pnpm install @plone-collective/volto-relateditems-block@1.0.0-alpha.1

After installation, ensure that the add-on is included in the addons key of your project's package.json:

"addons": [

You'll need to restart your Plone frontend to see the changes.

That's it! Your project should now be using @plone-collective/volto-relateditems-block, which shows related items for the content as a list of links.