5. Extend VLT – Customizing Volto Light Theme

5. Extend VLT#

In this section we'll extend the VLT to create a "dark" aesthetic for our project. The same patterns can be applied for other visual identity cases.

5.1. File structure#

Let us start by setting up the recommended file structure. In your project add-on's src folder, create a subfolder named theme. Inside theme create two empty files named _main.scss and _variables.scss. Refer to the following file system diagram:

├── components
├── index.js
└── theme
    ├── _main.scss
    └── _variables.scss

Remember that if you add new files to your project, it will be necessary to restart your Plone frontend.

5.1.1. _variables.scss#

_variables.scss is where you can override the base theme SCSS variables.

:root {
    --primary-color: black;
    --primary-foreground-color: lemonchiffon;

    --secondary-color: darkslategrey;
    --secondary-foreground-color: lemonchiffon;

    --accent-color: darkslategrey;
    --accent-foreground-color: lemonchiffon;

    --link-color: lightblue;

5.1.2. _main.scss#

_main.scss is where you should put any custom styles. You can also include other SCSS or CSS files, as follows:

@import 'variables';

5.2. Block themes#

Now we need to change the available themes for the blocks by adding the following definition inside the applyConfig function in our project's index.js:

config.blocks.themes = [
    style: {
      '--theme-color': 'black',
      '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'darkslategrey',
      '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
      '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
    name: 'default',
    label: 'Default',
    style: {
      '--theme-color': 'darkslategrey',
      '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'black',
      '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
      '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
    name: 'green',
    label: 'Green',

5.3. Extend add-on styles#

The theme provides the ability to extend or modify existing components. Let's create one more file named relatedItems.scss to add specific styles for the add-on, as follows:

├── components
├── index.js
└── theme
    ├── blocks
        └── _relatedItems.scss
    ├── _main.scss
    └── _variables.scss

In the new _relatedItems.scss, let's fix the text color, and add background color to the .inner-container element with the variables --primary-foreground-color and --theme-high-contrast-color. Lastly, let's use --link-foreground-color for the related items links:

.block.relatedItems {
  .inner-container {
    background: var(--theme-high-contrast-color);
    padding: 3rem;

    h2.headline {
        color: var(--primary-foreground-color);

    ul.items-list {
      color: var(--primary-foreground-color);
      li a {
        color: var(--link-foreground-color);

And now we need to add _relatedItems.scss in _main_.scss:

@import 'blocks/relatedItems';
@import 'variables';

5.4. Enhancing a block schema#

To be able to use the Block Width widget with our Related Items block, we need to add it to the block schema. To do this we'll use a schemaEnhancer. A schema enhancer is a function that receives an object with formData (the block data), the schema (the original schema that we want to tweak), and the injected intl (to aid with internationalization).

Usually we would want to keep the schema enhancers in individual files per block, after which they can be imported to the index.js. For this example we'll leave everything in the same file:

import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import { composeSchema } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions';
import { defaultStylingSchema } from '@kitconcept/volto-light-theme/components/Blocks/schema';
import { addStyling } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions/withBlockSchemaEnhancer';

const messages = defineMessages({
  BlockWidth: {
    id: 'Block Width',
    defaultMessage: 'Block Width',

const applyConfig = (config) => {
  config.settings = {
    isMultilingual: false,
    supportedLanguages: ['en'],
    defaultLanguage: 'en',

  config.blocks.themes = [
      style: {
        '--theme-color': 'black',
        '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'darkslategrey',
        '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
        '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
      name: 'default',
      label: 'Default',
      style: {
        '--theme-color': 'darkslategrey',
        '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'black',
        '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
        '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
      name: 'green',
      label: 'Green',

  const relatedItemsEnhancer = ({ formData, schema, intl }) => {
    addStyling({ schema, intl });

    schema.properties.styles.schema.fieldsets[0].fields = [
    schema.properties.styles.schema.properties['blockWidth:noprefix'] = {
      widget: 'blockWidth',
      title: intl.formatMessage(messages.BlockWidth),
      default: 'default',
      filterActions: ['narrow', 'default'],
    return schema;

  config.blocks.blocksConfig.relatedItems = {
    schemaEnhancer: composeSchema(defaultStylingSchema, relatedItemsEnhancer),

  return config;

export default applyConfig;

Finally, let's wire the width classes for our block in the file _relatedItems.scss:

.block.relatedItems {
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;

  .inner-container {
    background: var(--theme-high-contrast-color);
    padding: 3rem;

    h2.headline {
        color: var(--primary-foreground-color);

    ul {
      color: var(--primary-foreground-color);
      li a {
        color: var(--link-foreground-color);

  &.has--block-width--narrow {
    max-width: var(--narrow-container-width) !important;

  &.has--block-width--default {
    max-width: var(--default-container-width) !important;

.block-editor-relatedItems {
  &.has--block-width--narrow .block .block .block {
    max-width: var(--narrow-container-width) !important;

  &.has--block-width--default .block .block .block {
    max-width: var(--default-container-width) !important;

5.5. Set themes for one block#

To demonstrate this feature, we'll add a custom list of themes just for the Related Items block, which will include one more theme called Blue. Add the property themes to the relatedItems block in the blocksConfig object:

import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import { composeSchema } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions';
import { defaultStylingSchema } from '@kitconcept/volto-light-theme/components/Blocks/schema';
import { addStyling } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions/withBlockSchemaEnhancer';

const messages = defineMessages({
  BlockWidth: {
    id: 'Block Width',
    defaultMessage: 'Block Width',

const applyConfig = (config) => {
  config.settings = {
    isMultilingual: false,
    supportedLanguages: ['en'],
    defaultLanguage: 'en',

  config.blocks.themes = [
      style: {
        '--theme-color': 'black',
        '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'darkslategrey',
        '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
        '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
      name: 'default',
      label: 'Default',
      style: {
        '--theme-color': 'darkslategrey',
        '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'black',
        '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
        '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
      name: 'green',
      label: 'Green',

  const relatedItemsEnhancer = ({ formData, schema, intl }) => {
    addStyling({ schema, intl });

    schema.properties.styles.schema.fieldsets[0].fields = [
    schema.properties.styles.schema.properties['blockWidth:noprefix'] = {
      widget: 'blockWidth',
      title: intl.formatMessage(messages.BlockWidth),
      default: 'default',
      filterActions: ['narrow', 'default'],
    return schema;

  config.blocks.blocksConfig.relatedItems = {
    schemaEnhancer: composeSchema(defaultStylingSchema, relatedItemsEnhancer),
    themes: [
        style: {
          '--theme-color': 'midnightblue',
          '--theme-high-contrast-color': 'black',
          '--theme-foreground-color': 'lemonchiffon',
          '--theme-low-contrast-foreground-color': 'lightgrey',
        name: 'blue',
        label: 'Blue',

  return config;

export default applyConfig;

5.6. Conclusion#

Understanding how to extend VLT will help you take advantage of the system and quickly create consistent and flexible designs.