5. Installation – Mastering Plone 6 development

5. Installation#

This chapter provides instructions on how to install Plone with the training code.

For installation, deployment and hosting of Plone in general, see Installation on docs.plone.org.

5.1. Technologies and Tools#

We recommend to work on Linux or Mac, not Windows.

5.2. Set up#

We install the Plone backend and its React-based frontend Volto, starting with the following folder structure:

├── backend
└── frontend

In backend we install Plone and add our custom Python code. In frontend we install Volto and add our custom React code.

5.3. Installing the backend#

We encourage you to install and run Plone on your own machine, as you will have important benefits:

  • You can work with your favorite editor.

  • You have all the code of Plone at your fingertips in site-packages tree.


  • make. We recommend upgrading to at least make 4.


Set up the backend with the training code: add-ons ploneconf.site and training.votable.

mkdir training
cd training
git clone https://github.com/collective/training_buildout.git backend
cd backend

Build your backend with:

make build

This build executes multiple tasks. The build

  • creates a Python virtual environment and installs prerequisites

  • generates a file structure to be prepared to install Plone packages with pip

  • generates Zope configuration with cookiecutter

By creating and working with a Python virtual environment, we are independent of the system Python installation. We install packages and its version according to our needs.

The build generates a file structure to be prepared to install Plone from packages with pip and mxdev. The tool mxdev helps with configuration files to define which add-ons and which versions to install. It also allows to override Plone core package versions or force a checkout from github. The documentation plone6docs:manage-plone-backend-packages-with-mxdev-label provides information on common tasks.

The build generates Zope configuration files with cookiecutter cookiecutter-zope-instance. The file we will modify to update our Zope / Plone configuration is instance.yaml. In this file we will add add-ons that are installed as Python packages and shall be loaded in our instance. instance.yaml is the one configuration file for our Zope / Plone instance. The documentation of cookiecutter-zope-instance explains a lot more that can be configured like the port or another storage.

After changes in configuration files, a re-build is necessary:

make build

We are now ready to start the backend with:

make start

Voilà, your Plone is up and running on http://localhost:8080.

The output should be similar to:

katjasuss@purpur training % make start

2022-09-27 08:57:23,961 INFO    [Zope:42][MainThread] Ready to handle requests
Starting server in PID 28745.
2022-09-27 08:57:23,963 INFO    [waitress:486][MainThread] Serving on http://[::1]:8080
2022-09-27 08:57:23,963 INFO    [waitress:486][MainThread] Serving on

Troubleshooting: We are here to help: Please file an issue in training repo.

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080 to see Plone running.

Plone is running.

Plone, up and running.#

There is no Plone site yet. We will create one in the next chapter.

You can stop the running instance anytime using ctrl c.

5.4. Installing the frontend#

You have two options:

  1. Create the frontend from scratch using the Volto generator.

  2. Use the prepared Volto project volto-ploneconf with all the code for the training.

Option 1: Frontend from scratch with Volto generator#

Follow the instructions of docs.plone.org: plone6docs:volto/recipes/creating-project.

Option 2. Start with prepared training project volto-ploneconf with all code for the training#

Prepare the pre-requisites explained in Prerequisites for installation.

Get the code for the frontend from GitHub and install:

cd training
git clone https://github.com/collective/volto-ploneconf.git frontend
cd frontend
make install

Now you can start the app with:

$ yarn start

Point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and see that the app is up and running, albeit without content. We will create a Plone instance in the next chapter.

You can stop the frontend anytime using ctrl c.