Troubleshoot deployment issues – Plone Deployment

Troubleshoot deployment issues#

This page offers some tips to troubleshoot the Plone Deployment Training.

Docker Could not create directory.#

Docker requires sufficient virtual disk space to install and build images. A typical error message may be Could not create directory. or anything else that mentions writing to the image. To resolve this, use an appropriate docker system prune option, such as docker system prune -a.

You can also configure settings for Docker Desktop. Under Prefences ‣ Resources ‣ Advanced, you can configure appropriate settings for virtual disk limit and memory.

Docker memory usage#

Docker requires sufficient memory to install and build images. 2GB of RAM is usually sufficient. See the previous section for settings details.

Frontend containers restart every minute#

If your frontend containers built successfully, but restart every 60 seconds after an initial deployment, you can view the frontend container's log files with the following command.

cd devops
make stack-logs-frontend
==> Stack my-plone-volto-project-com: Logs for frontend in context prod 
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.3u0sqs69nmwh@kwk    | Command failed with signal "SIGTERM"
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | 
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | > project-dev@1.0.0-alpha.0 start:prod /app
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | > pnpm --filter @plone/volto start:prod
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | 
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | 
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | > @plone/volto@18.8.2 start:prod /app/core/packages/volto
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | > NODE_ENV=production node build/server.js
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | 
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | API server (API_PATH) is set to:
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | Proxying API requests from to http://backend:8080/Plone
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | 🎭 Volto started at 🚀
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    |  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed.
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | /app/core/packages/volto:
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    |  ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_RUN_FIRST_FAIL  @plone/volto@18.8.2 start:prod: `NODE_ENV=production node build/server.js`
my-volto-project-com_frontend.1.4e3ajerpdxpm@kwk    | Command failed with signal "SIGTERM"

If deploying for the first time, the frontend containers might not be healthy due to the absence of a configured Plone site on the backend. Or if you've wiped the swarm for an initial redeployment using, for example, docker service rm $(docker service ls -q) on the server, then the existing site is gone and needs recreation as well.

Create a new Plone site in the backend container with the following command.

make stack-create-site