20. Vocabularies, Registry-Settings and Control Panels – Mastering Plone 6 development

20. Vocabularies, Registry-Settings and Control Panels#

Backend chapter

Get the code: collective/ploneconf.site

git checkout vocabularies

More info in The code for the training

In this part you will:

  • Store custom settings in the registry

  • Create a control panel to manage custom settings

  • Create options in fields as vocabularies

  • Training story: Assign talks to rooms

Topics covered:

  • plone.app.registry

  • Vocabularies

  • Control panels

20.1. Introduction#

Do you remember the fields audience and type_of_talk in the talk content type? We provided several options to choose from that were hard-coded in the schema.

Next we want to add a field to assign talks to a room. Since the conference next year will have different room names, these values need to be editable.

And while we're at it: It would be much better to have the options for audience and type_of_talk editable by admins as well, e.g. to be able to add Lightning Talks!

By combining the registry, a control panel and vocabularies you can allow rooms to be editable options.

To be able to do so you first need to get to know the registry.

20.2. The Registry#

The registry is used to get and set values stored in records. Each record consists of the actual value, as well as a field that describes the record in more detail. It has a nice dict-like API.

Since Plone 5 all global settings are stored in the registry.

The registry itself is provided by plone.registry and the UI to interact with it by plone.app.registry

Almost all settings in /plone_control_panel are actually stored in the registry and can be modified using its UI directly.

Open http://localhost:8080/Plone/portal_registry and filter for displayed_types. You see that you can modify the content types that should be shown in the navigation and site map. The values are the same as in http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@navigation-controlpanel, but the latter form is customized for usability.


This UI for the registry is not yet available in the frontend.

20.3. Registry Records#

In Creating a dynamic frontpage with Volto blocks you already added a criterion usable for listing blocks in profiles/default/registry/querystring.xml. This setting is stored in the registry.

Let's look at existing values in the registry.

Go to http://localhost:3000/controlpanel/navigation and add talk to the field Displayed content types. Talks in the root will now show up in the navigation. This setting is stored in the registry record plone.displayed_types.

20.4. Accessing and modifying records in the registry#

In Python you can access the registry record with the key plone.displayed_types via plone.api. It holds convenience methods to get and set a record:

from plone import api

api.portal.set_registry_record('plone.smtp_host', 'my.mail.server')

The access of the registry by zope.component.getUtility is often seen in code from before the time of plone.api.

from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope.component import getUtility

registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
displayed_types = registry.get('plone.displayed_types')

The value of the record displayed_types is the tuple ('Image', 'File', 'Link', 'News Item', 'Folder', 'Document', 'Event', 'talk')

20.5. Custom registry records#

Now let's add our own custom settings:

  • Is talk submission open or closed?

  • Which rooms are available for talks?

While we're at it we can also add new settings types_of_talk and audiences that we will use later for the fields type_of_talk and audience.

To define custom records, you write the same type of schema as you already did for content types or for behaviors:

Add a file browser/controlpanel.py:

  1from plone.autoform import directives
  2from plone import schema
  3from zope.interface import Interface
  5import json
  7VOCABULARY_SCHEMA = json.dumps(
  8    {
  9        "type": "object",
 10        "properties": {
 11            "items": {
 12                "type": "array",
 13                "items": {
 14                    "type": "object",
 15                    "properties": {
 16                        "token": {"type": "string"},
 17                        "titles": {
 18                            "type": "object",
 19                            "properties": {
 20                                "lang": {"type": "string"},
 21                                "title": {"type": "string"},
 22                            },
 23                        },
 24                    },
 25                },
 26            }
 27        },
 28    }
 32class IPloneconfSettings(Interface):
 34    talk_submission_open = schema.Bool(
 35        title="Allow talk submission",
 36        description="Allow the submission of talks for anonymous user",
 37        default=False,
 38        required=False,
 39    )
 41    types_of_talk = schema.JSONField(
 42        title="Types of Talk",
 43        description="Available types of a talk",
 44        required=False,
 45        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
 46        default={
 47            "items": [
 48                {
 49                    "token": "talk",
 50                    "titles": {
 51                        "en": "Talk",
 52                        "de": "Vortrag",
 53                    },
 54                },
 55                {
 56                    "token": "lightning-talk",
 57                    "titles": {
 58                        "en": "Lightning-Talk",
 59                        "de": "Lightning-Talk",
 60                    },
 61                },
 62            ]
 63        },
 64        missing_value={"items": []},
 65    )
 66    directives.widget(
 67        "types_of_talk",
 68        frontendOptions={
 69            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
 70        },
 71    )
 73    audiences = schema.JSONField(
 74        title="Audience",
 75        description="Available audiences of a talk",
 76        required=False,
 77        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
 78        default={
 79            "items": [
 80                {
 81                    "token": "beginner",
 82                    "titles": {
 83                        "en": "Beginner",
 84                        "de": "Anfänger",
 85                    },
 86                },
 87                {
 88                    "token": "advanced",
 89                    "titles": {
 90                        "en": "Advanced",
 91                        "de": "Fortgeschrittene",
 92                    },
 93                },
 94                {
 95                    "token": "professional",
 96                    "titles": {
 97                        "en": "Professional",
 98                        "de": "Profi",
 99                    },
100                },
101            ]
102        },
103        missing_value={"items": []},
104    )
105    directives.widget(
106        "audiences",
107        frontendOptions={
108            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
109        },
110    )
112    rooms = schema.JSONField(
113        title="Rooms",
114        description="Available rooms of the conference",
115        required=False,
116        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
117        default={
118            "items": [
119                {
120                    "token": "101",
121                    "titles": {
122                        "en": "101",
123                        "de": "101",
124                    },
125                },
126                {
127                    "token": "201",
128                    "titles": {
129                        "en": "201",
130                        "de": "201",
131                    },
132                },
133                {
134                    "token": "auditorium",
135                    "titles": {
136                        "en": "Auditorium",
137                        "de": "Auditorium",
138                    },
139                },
140            ]
141        },
142        missing_value={"items": []},
143    )
144    directives.widget(
145        "rooms",
146        frontendOptions={
147            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
148        },
149    )

The motivation to use schema.JSONField instead of schema.List is described as follows.

The options for the types of a talk, the room and the audience may change. A modification of the feeding vocabulary would mean that already used options are no longer available, which would corrupt the data of the concerned talks. We can "future-proof" this vocabulary with JSONFields that store a vocabulary source in the registry. This vocabulary is a list of dictionaries, with keys that never change, and values that may be modified when necessary. See the default values to understand what is stored in the registry: Example types_of_talk:

        "token": "talk",
        "titles": {
            "en": "Talk",
            "de": "Vortrag",
        "token": "lightning-talk",
        "titles": {
            "en": "Lightning-Talk",
            "de": "Lightning-Talk",

If the name "Lightning-Talk" needs to be changed to "Short talks", the talks marked as lightning talks do show up correct, as the value saved on the talks is the token "lightning-talk" which does not change ever.

We introduced a new field JSONField. As the name says, it describes a field that will be populated with JSON data. The field is fitted with a schema describing the valid form of the field values.

            "widget": "vocabularyterms",

The frontendOptions forces Volto to display on editing the field with a widget prepared for vocabulary terms. More correct, it forces Volto to lookup the widget in Volto's widget mapping to find the corresponding widget.

We now register this schema IPloneconfSettings for the registry. Add the following to profiles/default/registry/main.xml. With this statement the registry is extended by one record per IPloneconfSettings schema field.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      prefix="ploneconf" />



The prefix allows you to access these records with a shortcut: You can use ploneconf.rooms instead of ploneconf.site.browser.controlpanel.IPloneconfSettings.rooms.

After reinstalling the package to apply the registry changes, you can access and modify these registry records as described above. Either use http://localhost:8080/Plone/portal_registry or Python:

from plone import api



In training code ploneconf.site, we use Python to define the registry records. Alternatively you could add these registry entries with Generic Setup.

The following creates a new entry ploneconf.talk_submission_open with Generic Setup:

1<record name="ploneconf.talk_submission_open">
2  <field type="plone.registry.field.Bool">
3    <title>Allow talk submission</title>
4    <description>Allow the submission of talks for anonymous users</description>
5    <required>False</required>
6  </field>
7  <value>False</value>

When creating a new vanilla Plone instance, a lot of default settings are created that way. See plone/Products.CMFPlone to see how Products.CMFPlone registers values.

20.6. Add a custom control panel#

Now you will add a custom control panel to edit all settings related to our package with a nice UI.

To register a control panel for the frontend and Plone Classic you need quite a bit of boiler-plate:

  1from plone import schema
  2from plone.autoform import directives
  3from plone.restapi.controlpanels import RegistryConfigletPanel
  4from zope.component import adapter
  5from zope.interface import Interface
  7import json
  9VOCABULARY_SCHEMA = json.dumps(
 10    {
 11        "type": "object",
 12        "properties": {
 13            "items": {
 14                "type": "array",
 15                "items": {
 16                    "type": "object",
 17                    "properties": {
 18                        "token": {"type": "string"},
 19                        "titles": {
 20                            "type": "object",
 21                            "properties": {
 22                                "lang": {"type": "string"},
 23                                "title": {"type": "string"},
 24                            },
 25                        },
 26                    },
 27                },
 28            }
 29        },
 30    }
 34class IPloneconfSettings(Interface):
 36    talk_submission_open = schema.Bool(
 37        title="Allow talk submission",
 38        description="Allow the submission of talks for anonymous user",
 39        default=False,
 40        required=False,
 41    )
 43    types_of_talk = schema.JSONField(
 44        title="Types of Talk",
 45        description="Available types of a talk",
 46        required=False,
 47        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
 48        default={
 49            "items": [
 50                {
 51                    "token": "talk",
 52                    "titles": {
 53                        "en": "Talk",
 54                        "de": "Vortrag",
 55                    },
 56                },
 57                {
 58                    "token": "lightning-talk",
 59                    "titles": {
 60                        "en": "Lightning-Talk",
 61                        "de": "Lightning-Talk",
 62                    },
 63                },
 64            ]
 65        },
 66        missing_value={"items": []},
 67    )
 68    directives.widget(
 69        "types_of_talk",
 70        frontendOptions={
 71            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
 72        },
 73    )
 75    audiences = schema.JSONField(
 76        title="Audience",
 77        description="Available audiences of a talk",
 78        required=False,
 79        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
 80        default={
 81            "items": [
 82                {
 83                    "token": "beginner",
 84                    "titles": {
 85                        "en": "Beginner",
 86                        "de": "Anfänger",
 87                    },
 88                },
 89                {
 90                    "token": "advanced",
 91                    "titles": {
 92                        "en": "Advanced",
 93                        "de": "Fortgeschrittene",
 94                    },
 95                },
 96                {
 97                    "token": "professional",
 98                    "titles": {
 99                        "en": "Professional",
100                        "de": "Profi",
101                    },
102                },
103            ]
104        },
105        missing_value={"items": []},
106    )
107    directives.widget(
108        "audiences",
109        frontendOptions={
110            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
111        },
112    )
114    rooms = schema.JSONField(
115        title="Rooms",
116        description="Available rooms of the conference",
117        required=False,
118        schema=VOCABULARY_SCHEMA,
119        default={
120            "items": [
121                {
122                    "token": "101",
123                    "titles": {
124                        "en": "101",
125                        "de": "101",
126                    },
127                },
128                {
129                    "token": "201",
130                    "titles": {
131                        "en": "201",
132                        "de": "201",
133                    },
134                },
135                {
136                    "token": "auditorium",
137                    "titles": {
138                        "en": "Auditorium",
139                        "de": "Auditorium",
140                    },
141                },
142            ]
143        },
144        missing_value={"items": []},
145    )
146    directives.widget(
147        "rooms",
148        frontendOptions={
149            "widget": "vocabularyterms",
150        },
151    )
154@adapter(Interface, Interface)
155class PloneConfRegistryConfigletPanel(RegistryConfigletPanel):
156    """Volto control panel"""
158    schema = IPloneconfSettings
159    schema_prefix = "ploneconf"
160    configlet_id = "ploneconf-controlpanel"
161    configlet_category_id = "Products"
162    title = "Ploneconf Settings"
163    group = "Products"

You also need to register the adapter in browser/configure.zcml:

1  <adapter
2    factory="ploneconf.site.browser.controlpanel.PloneConfRegistryConfigletPanel"
3    name="ploneconf-controlpanel" />

Finally register the configlet with Generic Setup so that it gets listed in the Site Setups panels list. Add a file profiles/default/controlpanel.xml:

 1<?xml version="1.0"?>
 2<object name="portal_controlpanel">
 3  <configlet
 4      title="Ploneconf Settings"
 5      action_id="ploneconf-controlpanel"
 6      appId="ploneconf-controlpanel"
 7      category="Products"
 8      visible="True">
 9    <permission>Manage portal</permission>
10  </configlet>

After applying the profile (for example, by reinstalling the package), your control panel shows up on http://localhost:3000/controlpanel/ploneconf-controlpanel


As you can see in the control panel configlet for the ploneconf.site package, the entries can be modified and reordered. Changes are reflected in the registry as the configlet is registered as a wrapped edit form of the IPloneconfSettings schema.


Frontend widgets

A short remark on the frontend widget. We want the VocabularyTermsWidget to be applied. Thus we specify a hint, using a so-called "tagged value", the name of the frontend widget to be applied for the three control panel fields in our backend schema. Thus no widget registration in the frontend app is needed.

        "widget": "vocabularyterms",

This is also the way you would configure a content type schema, where you may want to override the default widget.

A widget component in your frontend package would be mapped to a key "mywidget". In your content type schema you would add a widget directive with frontendOptions={"widget": "mywidget"}

20.7. Vocabularies#

Now the custom settings are stored in the registry and we can modify them in a nice way as site administrators. We still need to use these options in talks.

To do so we turn them into vocabularies.

Vocabularies are often used for selection fields. They have many benefits:

  • They allow you to separate the select option values from the content type schema. This means that they can be edited via the UI.

  • A vocabulary can even be set dynamically. The available options can change depending on existing content, the role of the user, or even the time of day.

Create a file vocabularies.py and write code that generates vocabularies from these settings:

 1from plone import api
 2from zope.interface import provider
 3from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory
 4from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary
 8def TalkTypesVocabulary(context):
 9    name = "ploneconf.types_of_talk"
10    registry_record_value = api.portal.get_registry_record(name)
11    items = registry_record_value.get("items", [])
12    lang = api.portal.get_current_language()
13    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(
14        [[item["token"], item["token"], item["titles"][lang]] for item in items]
15    )
19def AudiencesVocabulary(context):
20    name = "ploneconf.audiences"
21    registry_record_value = api.portal.get_registry_record(name)
22    items = registry_record_value.get("items", [])
23    lang = api.portal.get_current_language()
24    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(
25        [[item["token"], item["token"], item["titles"][lang]] for item in items]
26    )
30def RoomsVocabularyFactory(context):
31    name = "ploneconf.rooms"
32    registry_record_value = api.portal.get_registry_record(name)
33    items = registry_record_value.get("items", [])
34    lang = api.portal.get_current_language()
35    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(
36        [[item["token"], item["token"], item["titles"][lang]] for item in items]
37    )

The SimpleVocabulary.fromItems() is a method that takes the list of dictionaries of vocabulary terms

        "token": "talk",
        "titles": {
            "en": "Talk",
            "de": "Vortrag",
        "token": "lightning-talk",
        "titles": {
            "en": "Lightning-Talk",
            "de": "Lightning-Talk",

and creates a Zope vocabulary. This SimpleVocabulary instance has methods that Plone uses to display select widgets, display the rendered content type instance according the user language, etc..

You can now register these vocabularies as named utilities in configure.zcml:

    component="ploneconf.site.vocabularies.TalkTypesVocabulary" />
    component="ploneconf.site.vocabularies.AudiencesVocabulary" />
    component="ploneconf.site.vocabularies.RoomsVocabularyFactory" />

From now on you can use these vocabulary by referring to their name, e.g. ploneconf.rooms.


  • Plone comes with many useful named vocabularies that you can use in your own projects, for example plone.app.vocabularies.Users or plone.app.vocabularies.PortalTypes.

  • See plone/plone.app.vocabularies for a list of vocabularies.

  • We turn the values from the registry into a dynamic SimpleVocabulary that can be used in the schema.

  • You could use the context with which the vocabulary is called or the request (using getRequest from zope.globalrequest) to constrain the values in the vocabulary.

See also

Plone documentation Vocabularies.

20.8. Using vocabularies in a schema#

To use a vocabulary in a schema field, replace the attribute values with vocabulary, and point to a vocabulary by its name:

1type_of_talk = schema.Choice(
2    title='Type of talk',
3    vocabulary='ploneconf.types_of_talk',
4    required=True,

Don't forget to add the new field room.

Edit content/talk.py:

 1from plone.app.textfield import RichText
 2from plone.autoform import directives
 3from plone.dexterity.content import Container
 4from plone.namedfile.field import NamedBlobImage
 5from plone.schema.email import Email
 6from plone.supermodel import model
 7from z3c.form.browser.checkbox import CheckBoxFieldWidget
 8from z3c.form.browser.radio import RadioFieldWidget
 9from plone import schema
10from zope.interface import implementer
13class ITalk(model.Schema):
14    """Define a content type schema for Talks"""
16    directives.widget(type_of_talk=RadioFieldWidget)
17    type_of_talk = schema.Choice(
18        title='Type of talk',
19        vocabulary='ploneconf.types_of_talk',
20        required=True,
21    )
23    details = RichText(
24        title='Details',
25        description='Description of the talk (max. 2000 characters)',
26        max_length=2000,
27        required=True,
28    )
30    directives.widget(audience=CheckBoxFieldWidget)
31    audience = schema.Set(
32        title='Audience',
33        value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary='ploneconf.audiences'),
34        required=False,
35    )
37    speaker = schema.TextLine(
38        title='Speaker',
39        description='Name (or names) of the speaker',
40        required=False,
41    )
43    company = schema.TextLine(
44        title='Company',
45        required=False,
46    )
48    email = Email(
49        title='Email',
50        description='Email adress of the speaker',
51        required=False,
52    )
54    website = schema.TextLine(
55        title='Website',
56        required=False,
57    )
59    twitter = schema.TextLine(
60        title='Twitter name',
61        required=False,
62    )
64    github = schema.TextLine(
65        title='Github username',
66        required=False,
67    )
69    image = NamedBlobImage(
70        title='Image',
71        description='Portrait of the speaker',
72        required=False,
73    )
75    speaker_biography = RichText(
76        title='Speaker Biography (max. 1000 characters)',
77        max_length=1000,
78        required=False,
79    )
81    room = schema.Choice(
82        title='Room',
83        vocabulary='ploneconf.rooms',
84        required=False,
85    )
89class Talk(Container):
90    """Talk instance class"""

One tiny thing is still missing: We should display the room.

Modify frontend/src/components/Views/Talk.jsx an add this after the When component:

1    {content.room && (
2      <>
3        <Header dividing sub>
4          Where
5        </Header>
6        <p>{content.room.title}</p>
7      </>
8    )}
The complete TalkView
import React from 'react';
import { flattenToAppURL } from '@plone/volto/helpers';
import {
} from 'semantic-ui-react';
import { Helmet } from '@plone/volto/helpers';
import { When } from '@plone/volto/components/theme/View/EventDatesInfo';

const TalkView = (props) => {
  const { content } = props;
  const color_mapping = {
    Beginner: 'green',
    Advanced: 'yellow',
    Professional: 'red',

  return (
    <Container id="page-talk">
      <Helmet title={content.title} />
      <h1 className="documentFirstHeading">
        {content.type_of_talk.title}: {content.title}
      <Segment floated="right">
        {content.start && !content.hide_date && (
            <Header dividing sub>
        {content.room && (
            <Header dividing sub>
        {content.audience && (
          <Header dividing sub>
        {content.audience.map((item) => {
          let audience = item.title;
          let color = color_mapping[audience] || 'green';
          return (
            <Label key={audience} color={color}>
      {content.description && (
        <p className="documentDescription">{content.description}</p>
      {content.details && (
        <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content.details.data }} />
      {content.speaker && (
        <Segment clearing>
          <Header dividing>{content.speaker}</Header>
          {content.website ? (
              <a href={content.website}>{content.company}</a>
          ) : (
          {content.email && (
              Email: <a href={`mailto:${content.email}`}>{content.email}</a>
          {content.twitter && (
              Twitter:{' '}
              <a href={`https://x.com/${content.twitter}`}>
                  ? content.twitter
                  : '@' + content.twitter}
          {content.github && (
              Github:{' '}
              <a href={`https://github.com/${content.github}`}>
          {content.image && (
          {content.speaker_biography && (
                __html: content.speaker_biography.data,
export default TalkView;

By the way: When using a vocabulary you can also drop the annoying item.title || item.token pattern.

20.9. Summary#

  • You successfully combined the registry, a control panel and vocabularies to allow managing field options by site administrators.

  • It seems like a lot but you will certainly use dynamic vocabularies, control panels and the registry in most of your future Plone projects in one way or another.