Deploying the Project – Plone Deployment

Deploying the Project#

Project Stack#

This guide outlines the steps to deploy the project using a Docker stack comprising:

  • Traefik: A router and SSL termination tool, integrated with Let's Encrypt for complimentary SSL certificates.

  • Plone Frontend using Volto: A service based on React for the frontend.

  • Plone Backend: The API service.

  • Postgres 14 Database: Handles data persistence.

You can find this stack at devops/stacks/ploneconf2024-<your-github-username> It's modular, allowing easy integration of additional services like Varnish, Solr, or ElasticSearch.

Building Docker Images#

Ensure you build the Docker images for the Frontend and Backend servers before deployment. GitHub Actions, configured in .github/workflows/backend.yml and .github/workflows/frontend.yml, facilitate this process.


Before deploying, run the following commands from your project's root directory to format the code and run tests.

make check
make test

The output from make test may vary according to changes in code. The following console output indicates that no tests were run, and prompts you to choose an action.

No tests found related to files changed since last commit.
Press `a` to run all tests, or run Jest with `--watchAll`.

Watch Usage
 › Press a to run all tests.
 › Press f to run only failed tests.
 › Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
 › Press t to filter by a test name regex pattern.
 › Press q to quit watch mode.
 › Press Enter to trigger a test run.

After these commands succeed, commit all code changes, push to GitHub, and ensure all GitHub Actions successfully complete their runs.

Manual Deployment with devops/Makefile#

Utilize the Makefile at devops/Makefile for manual deployment.

Deploying the Stack#

Execute the following command from your project's devops directory to deploy the stack defined in devops/stacks/ploneconf2024-<your-github-username> to the remote server.

make stack-deploy

Verifying Stack Status#

To check the status of all services in your stack, run:

make stack-status

Creating Plone Site#

On the initial deployment, the frontend containers might be unhealthy due to the unconfigured Plone site on the backend. Create a new site with:

make stack-create-site

Monitoring Logs#

Monitor the logs of each service with these commands:

  • Traefik: make stack-logs-webserver

  • Frontend: make stack-logs-frontend

  • Backend: make stack-logs-backend

  • Backend: make stack-logs-db

Automating Deployment with GitHub Actions#

cookieplone includes a GitHub Actions Workflow, located at .github/workflows/manual_deploy.yml, enabling deployment directly from the GitHub UI.

Repository Configuration#

Creating a New Environment#


If you can't see the Environment option on the left in the Settings of your GitHub repository, you may have a private repository in a free account. You must either have a public repository or a GitHub Team plan or a GitHub Pro plan for a private repository. If you use a free additional organization under control of a paid GitHub account, the Environment will also not be visible.

  1. Log in to GitHub.

  2. Navigate to the project repository.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. Select Environments, then New environment.

  5. Name it after the public URL of the deployment server and configure the environment.

See also

In the generated project's file devops/, you can find the exact values to use for your project when completing the New environment form.

Adding Environment Secrets#

Add secrets in the Secrets section of your environment. Refer to the table below:

Secret Name

Secret Value



Your hostname or IP

The Docker Swarm manager's address.



The SSHD port.


Your username

A user with Docker command permissions.


Content of devops/etc/keys/plone_prod_deploy_rsa

The private SSH key for connection.


Content of devops/.env_file_gha

File containing environment variables for the stack file.

Adding Repository Variables#

Navigate to Settings ‣ Secrets and Variables ‣ Actions. Under Variables, add the repository variable:




The name of the earlier created environment

This variable is referenced in .github/workflows/manual_deploy.yml.

Initiating Manual Deployment#

Ensure both Backend and Frontend tests are successful and images for both servers are available.

  1. Go to the project's repository on GitHub.

  2. Click the Actions tab.

  3. Find Manual Deployment... and click Run workflow.

  4. Select Branch: main under Use workflow from.

  5. Press Run workflow.

The workflow connects to DEPLOY_HOST using DEPLOY_USER and DEPLOY_SSH key, initiates a new deployment using the specified stack, and provides a detailed deployment report.

Accessing the Site#

Your site should now be accessible via the defined public URL.

Note: Ensure you replace placeholders, such as <url>, with actual values per your project's specifics. Also, ensure that the paths to files and directories are correct and exist in your project structure.