2. Introduction – Mastering Plone 6 development

2. Introduction#

2.1. Who are you?#

Tell us about yourselves:

  • Your experience with Plone

  • Your experience with web development in general

  • Your expectations for this training

2.2. Classroom#

  • Stop us and ask questions instantly when you have them!

  • Tell us, if we speak too fast, too slow or not loud enough.

  • Please give us a sign if you are stuck.

  • Take notes.

  • If you have questions later on, https://community.plone.org is the Plone forum with many experienced developers.

  • For coaching, please contact us.
    See trainers section below.

2.3. Documentation#

Follow the training at https://training.plone.org/mastering-plone.

2.4. Learn#

You can use this presentation to copy & paste the code, but you will memorize more if you type yourself.

2.5. Further Reading#

A whole bunch of inspiring Plone trainings