Plone Training

Plone Training#

A collection of trainings developed and created by the Plone community.

Using Plone#

Content Editing for Plone

How to edit content and manage a Plone site.

Development and Customization#

Mastering Plone 6 development

Best practices of Plone development for both the backend and frontend.

Testing Plone

Best practices for testing Plone add-ons.

Volto, React, and Javascript#

Customizing Volto Light Theme

This training provides comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for theming in Plone 6's Volto frontend by using and extending Volto Light Theme.

Volto Customization for JavaScript Beginners

Are you new to JavaScript development and eager to explore the world of Volto customization? Unlock the power of Volto, the modern React-based CMS framework for Plone, by joining our comprehensive half-day training designed specifically for JavaScript beginners.

Volto Hands-On

Learn how to quickly bootstrap and customize a Volto project

Volto Add-ons Development

Build custom Volto add-ons, explore more advanced Volto topics.

Effective Volto

Learn proven practices of Plone frontend development. The training covers essential concepts, as well as good practices and notions of how Volto works under the hood. Tips and tricks are also covered, providing a good amount of insights for those who want to learn more beyond the Volto basics. Training for intermediate/advanced developers.

Use, Integrate and develop Patterns for Plone 6 Classic

Use, create and integrate JavaScript functionality based on Patternslib into Plone 6.


Plone 6 Classic UI Theming

Theming Plone 6 Classic UI


Plone Deployment

Deploying Plone 6 for production purposes with Ansible and Docker


Plone Workflow

How to create and make optimum use of custom Plone workflows

Migration best practices

Upgrading and migrating Plone sites using collective.exportimport and other methods.

Contributing to Plone Training

All about contributing to documentation

Giving a Training

How To Give Technical Trainings

Archived trainings#

Beginning in 2022, after every Plone Conference, we take a snapshot and archive trainings conducted at the conference. Because we began this practice in 2022, all previous trainings that have documentation were archived.


Development and Customization#

Volto, React, and Javascript#





Development and Customization#

Volto, React, and Javascript#


