Extending Teasers per type – Volto Customization for JavaScript Beginners

Extending Teasers per type

Extending Teasers per type#

The basic scenario is to add variations to a block so that it can give control over its look and feel. Sometimes its also possible for a need to have control over individual elements. For instance, Consider we have a teaaser grid in which we can have a base variation of its layout. Then we would left with styling and adjusting individual teasers. This is where extensions come into play.

In this chapter we will tweak our newly created variation to also support extensions per teaser block and then later we will add grid support to teasers.

Block Extensions#

Block extensions are the way to display a new form of your block for a particular block type. For instance if you have a teaserGrid, with block extensions you can control the styling and behaviour of individual teasers. The split of responsibilites is as follows: "the variation will control how the teasers layout and extension will control the individual rendering."

We already learn about the block variation in the former chapters. We will now add the teaser block extensions the same way we do for variations.

import TeaserBlockImageDefault from "volto-teaser-tutorial/components/extensions/TeaserBlockImageDefault";
import TeaserBlockImageRight from "volto-teaser-tutorial/components/extensions/TeaserBlockImageRight";
import TeaserBlockImageOverlay from "volto-teaser-tutorial/components/extensions/TeaserBlockImageOverlay";

config.blocks.blocksConfig.teaser.extensions = {
  ...(config.blocks.blocksConfig.teaser.extensions || {}),
  cardTemplates: {
    items: [
        id: "card",
        isDefault: true,
        title: "Card (default)",
        template: TeaserBlockImageDefault,
        id: "imageOnRight",
        isDefault: false,
        title: "Image Right",
        template: TeaserBlockImageRight,
        id: "imageOverlay",
        isDefault: false,
        title: "Image Overlay",
        template: TeaserBlockImageOverlay,

As for the training we created only three extensions namely TeaserBlockImageDefault, TeaserBlockImageRight and TeaserBlockImageOverlay into our addons components/extensions folder.

In order to support these extension first we need to add a special fieldset to our variation schema so that we can seperate the concerns about individual teasers and put these extensions under it.

Luckily, In order to do that we have a helper in volto which automatic adds a select field where we want in the schema to display variations/extensions from a particualar block. As its a standalone method we can also add a variation from a completely different block like we do in SearchBlock in volto.

Go ahead and register that in index.js in our variation schemaEnhancer:

import { addExtensionFieldToSchema } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions/withBlockSchemaEnhancer';

config.blocks.blocksConfig.teaser.variations = [
      id: 'image-top-variation',
      title: 'Image(Top) variation',
      template: TeaserBlockImageVariation,
      isDefault: false,
      schemaEnhancer: ({ schema, FormData, intl }) => {
        const extension = 'cardTemplates';
          id: 'Cards',
          title: 'Cards',
          fields: [],
          name: extension,
          items: config.blocks.blocksConfig.teaser.extensions[extension]?.items,
          title: { id: 'Card Type' },
          insertFieldToOrder: (schema, extension) => {
            const cardFieldSet = schema.fieldsets.find(
              (item) => item.id === 'Cards',
            if (cardFieldSet.indexOf(extension) === -1)

Notice first we added a new fieldSet where our extensions will recide and the method addExtensionFieldToSchema imported volto core. This method as mentioned above adds a new field in the given fieldSet with the given extenionName cardTemplates.


By default addExtensionFieldToSchema adds the extewnsion field to default fieldSet, in order to ovverride that you can pass insertFieldToOrder method to specifiy where it should be added.

Woot. We will now have our extensions loaded into the schema. We will have to refactor our intial Variation code to adapt the extension now.


The concept of extensions are only possible if the code of your block allows it. That is the reason why we created a variation out of a teaser block at the first place.

So our TeaserBlockImageVariation can be simplified now as:

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep";
import config from "@plone/volto/registry";

const TeaserBlockImageVariation = (props) => {
  const { data, extension = "cardTemplates" } = props;
  const intl = useIntl();

  const teaserExtenstions =
  let activeItem = teaserExtenstions.find(
    (item) => item.id === data[extension]
  const extenionSchemaEnhancer = activeItem?.schemaEnhancer;
  if (extenionSchemaEnhancer)
      schema: cloneDeep(config.blocks.blocksConfig?.teaser?.blockSchema),
  const ExtensionToRender = activeItem?.template;

  return ExtensionToRender ? (
      <ExtensionToRender {...props} />
  ) : null;

TeaserBlockImageVariation.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any).isRequired,
  isEditMode: PropTypes.bool,

export default TeaserBlockImageVariation;

We have added the "active extension" logic to this code and removed the templating code to their individual components under extensions/ folder. Notice that we can also add more schema Enhancers to our base variation schema if each extensions can provide it.

The ExtensionToRender will be selected extensions from extensions/ folder.

Create a folder named extensions/ within components and add three components provided below:


import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Message } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from "react-intl";

import imageBlockSVG from "@plone/volto/components/manage/Blocks/Image/block-image.svg";

import {
} from "@plone/volto/helpers";
import { MaybeWrap } from "@plone/volto/components";
import { formatDate } from "@plone/volto/helpers/Utils/Date";
import { UniversalLink } from "@plone/volto/components";
import cx from "classnames";
import config from "@plone/volto/registry";

const messages = defineMessages({
  PleaseChooseContent: {
    id: "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",
      "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",

const DefaultImage = (props) => <img {...props} alt={props.alt || ""} />;

const TeaserBlockImageDefault = (props) => {
  const { className, data, isEditMode } = props;
  const locale = config.settings.dateLocale || "en";
  const intl = useIntl();
  const href = data.href?.[0];
  const image = data.preview_image?.[0];
  const align = data?.styles?.align;
  const creationDate = data.href?.[0]?.CreationDate;
  const formattedDate = formatDate({
    date: creationDate,
    format: {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "short",
      day: "2-digit",
    locale: locale,

  const Image = config.getComponent("Image").component || DefaultImage;
  const { openExternalLinkInNewTab } = config.settings;

  return (
    <div className={cx("block teaser", className)}>
        {!href && isEditMode && (
            <div className="teaser-item placeholder">
              <img src={imageBlockSVG} alt="" />
        {href && (
              data.openLinkInNewTab ||
              (openExternalLinkInNewTab && !isInternalURL(href["@id"]))
                ? "_blank"
                : null
            <div className="teaser-item default">
              {(href.hasPreviewImage || href.image_field || image) && (
                <div className="image-wrapper">
                    item={props["@type"] === "listing" ? null : image || href}
                      props["@type"] === "listing"
                        ? addAppURL(`${href}/${image?.download}`)
                        : null
                    imageField={image ? image.image_field : href.image_field}
              <div className="content">
                {data?.head_title && (
                  <div className="headline">{data.head_title}</div>
                {data.creationDate && <p>{formattedDate}</p>}
                {!data.hide_description && <p>{data?.description}</p>}

TeaserBlockImageDefault.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any).isRequired,
  isEditMode: PropTypes.bool,

export default TeaserBlockImageDefault;


import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Message } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from "react-intl";

import imageBlockSVG from "@plone/volto/components/manage/Blocks/Image/block-image.svg";

import {
} from "@plone/volto/helpers";
import { MaybeWrap } from "@plone/volto/components";
import { formatDate } from "@plone/volto/helpers/Utils/Date";
import { UniversalLink } from "@plone/volto/components";
import cx from "classnames";
import config from "@plone/volto/registry";

const messages = defineMessages({
  PleaseChooseContent: {
    id: "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",
      "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",

const DefaultImage = (props) => <img {...props} alt={props.alt || ""} />;

const TeaserBlockImageRight = (props) => {
  const { className, data, isEditMode } = props;
  const locale = config.settings.dateLocale || "en";
  const intl = useIntl();
  const href = data.href?.[0];
  const image = data.preview_image?.[0];
  const align = data?.styles?.align;
  const creationDate = data.href?.[0]?.CreationDate;
  const formattedDate = formatDate({
    date: creationDate,
    format: {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "short",
      day: "2-digit",
    locale: locale,

  const Image = config.getComponent("Image").component || DefaultImage;
  const { openExternalLinkInNewTab } = config.settings;

  return (
    <div className={cx("block teaser", className)}>
        {!href && isEditMode && (
            <div className="teaser-item placeholder">
              <img src={imageBlockSVG} alt="" />
        {href && (
              data.openLinkInNewTab ||
              (openExternalLinkInNewTab && !isInternalURL(href["@id"]))
                ? "_blank"
                : null
            <div className="teaser-item default">
              <div className="content">
                {data?.head_title && (
                  <div className="headline">{data.head_title}</div>
                {data.creationDate && <p>{formattedDate}</p>}
                {!data.hide_description && <p>{data?.description}</p>}
              {(href.hasPreviewImage || href.image_field || image) && (
                <div className="image-wrapper">
                    item={props["@type"] === "listing" ? null : image || href}
                      props["@type"] === "listing"
                        ? addAppURL(`${href}/${image?.download}`)
                        : null
                    imageField={image ? image.image_field : href.image_field}

TeaserBlockImageRight.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any).isRequired,
  isEditMode: PropTypes.bool,

export default TeaserBlockImageRight;


import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Message } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from "react-intl";
import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep";
import imageBlockSVG from "@plone/volto/components/manage/Blocks/Image/block-image.svg";
import {
} from "@plone/volto/helpers";
import { MaybeWrap } from "@plone/volto/components";
import { formatDate } from "@plone/volto/helpers/Utils/Date";
import { UniversalLink } from "@plone/volto/components";
import cx from "classnames";
import config from "@plone/volto/registry";

const messages = defineMessages({
  PleaseChooseContent: {
    id: "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",
      "Please choose an existing content as source for this element",

const DefaultImage = (props) => <img {...props} alt={props.alt || ""} />;

const TeaserBlockImageOverlay = (props) => {
  const { className, data, isEditMode, extension = "cardTemplates" } = props;
  const locale = config.settings.dateLocale || "en";
  const intl = useIntl();
  const href = data.href?.[0];
  const image = data.preview_image?.[0];
  const align = data?.styles?.align;
  const creationDate = data.href?.[0]?.CreationDate;
  const formattedDate = formatDate({
    date: creationDate,
    format: {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "short",
      day: "2-digit",
    locale: locale,

  const teaserExtenstions =
  let activeItem = teaserExtenstions.find(
    (item) => item.id === data[extension]
  const extenionSchemaEnhancer = activeItem?.schemaEnhancer;
  if (extenionSchemaEnhancer)
      schema: cloneDeep(config.blocks.blocksConfig?.teaser?.blockSchema),

  const Image = config.getComponent("Image").component || DefaultImage;
  const { openExternalLinkInNewTab } = config.settings;

  return (
    <div className={cx("block teaser", className)}>
        {!href && isEditMode && (
            <div className="teaser-item placeholder">
              <img src={imageBlockSVG} alt="" />
        {href && (
              data.openLinkInNewTab ||
              (openExternalLinkInNewTab && !isInternalURL(href["@id"]))
                ? "_blank"
                : null
            <div className="teaser-item overlay">
              {(href.hasPreviewImage || href.image_field || image) && (
                <div className="image-wrapper">
                    item={props["@type"] === "listing" ? null : image || href}
                      props["@type"] === "listing"
                        ? addAppURL(`${href}/${image?.download}`)
                        : null
                    imageField={image ? image.image_field : href.image_field}

              <div className="gradiant">
                {data?.head_title && (
                  <div className="headline">{data.head_title}</div>
                <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
                  {!data.hide_description && <p>{data?.description}</p>}
                  {data?.creationDate && (
                    <p style={{ color: "white" }}>{formattedDate}</p>

TeaserBlockImageOverlay.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any).isRequired,
  isEditMode: PropTypes.bool,

export default TeaserBlockImageOverlay;

The styles have to be added as well:

.gradiant {
  h2 {
    color: white;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 30px;
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  height: 200px;
  align-items: flex-end;
  padding: 1.5rem;
  background-image: linear-gradient(
    rgba(46, 62, 76, 0.65) 38.6%,
    rgba(46, 62, 76, 0.169) 59.52%,
    rgba(69, 95, 106, 0) 79.64%

.teaser-item.overlay {
  display: flex;

  .image-wrapper {
    width: 100%;

.has--objectFit--contain {
  img {
    object-fit: contain !important;

.has--objectFit--cover {
  img {
    object-fit: cover !important;

.has--objectFit--fill {
  img {
    object-fit: fill !important;

.has--objectFit--scale-down {
  img {
    object-fit: scale-down !important;

Great. We now have extension per teaser in our block which controls each item individually.

Grid support to Teasers#

As mentioned before we will configure the grid-block to also use our extended teaser-block. We need to override the grid-block configuration with our teaser block.

In your volto-teaser-tutorial addon's index.js:

//This ensures that grid block uses our overridden teaser
config.blocks.blocksConfig.gridBlock.blocksConfig.teaser =

Woot. We will now have a grid block with our teaser variations so that each teaser can now have its own set of extensions.