Testing add-ons – Effective Volto – Testing

Testing add-ons#

We should let jest know about our aliases and make them available to it to resolve them, so in package.json:

  "jest": {
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "@plone/volto/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/src/$1",
      "@package/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1",
      "@plone/some-volto-addon/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/addons/@plone/some-volto-addon/src/$1",
      "my-volto-addon/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/addons/my-volto-addon/src/$1",
      "~/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1"

You can use yarn test src/addons/addon-name to run tests.

Jest configuration override#

In CI or for testing addons, it's interesting to provide an alternate Jest configuration or slightly modify it. Volto provide a way to do it using a jest.config.js file or pointing the test runner to a file of your choice, using RAZZLE_JEST_CONFIG environment variable.

RAZZLE_JEST_CONFIG=my-custom-jest-config.js yarn test


Both configurations are merged in a way that the keys of the config provided override the initial (package.json) default config, either in Volto or in your projects.

This is specially useful in CI while developing add-ons, so you can pass a specific configuration that deals with the add-on config properly.

Testing add-ons in isolation#

Testing an add-on in isolation as you would do when you develop a Plone Python backend add-on can be a bit challenging, since an add-on needs a working project in order to bootstrap itself. The latest generator has the boilerplate needed in order to bootstrap a dockerized environment where you can run any test to your add-on.

Setup the environment#

Run once

make dev

Build the containers manually#


make build-backend
make build-addon

Unit tests#


make test

Acceptance tests#

Run once

make install-acceptance

For starting the servers


make start-test-acceptance-server

The frontend is run in dev mode, so development while writing tests is possible.


make test-acceptance

To run Cypress tests afterwards.

When finished, don't forget to shutdown the backend server.

make stop-test-acceptance-server