Configure an unreleased add-on from an existing repository – Effective Volto – Add-ons

Configure an unreleased add-on from an existing repository#

We use mrs-developer tool to manage the development cycle of Volto add-ons. This tool help us to pull the remote code and configure the current project to have the add-on(s) available for the build.


This is the configuration file that instructs mrs-developer from where it has to pull the packages. The generator includes an empty one for you, edit mrs.developer.json and add:

  "acme-volto-foo-addon": {
    "package": "@acme/volto-foo-addon",
    "url": "",
    "path": "src"

Then run:

make install

Now the addon is found in src/addons/.


package property is optional, set it up only if your package has a scope (namespace). src is required if the content of your addon is located in the src directory (but, as that is the convention recommended for all Volto add-on packages, you will always include it)

If you want to know more about mrs-developer config options, please refer to its npm page.

tsconfig.json / jsconfig.json#

mrs-developer automatically manages the contents of this file for you, but if you choose not to use mrs-developer, you'll have to add something like this to your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json file in the Volto project root:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "paths": {
            "acme-volto-foo-addon": [
        "baseUrl": "src"

This is required so the project "knows" about your package in development and the imports to work correctly.


Please note that both paths and baseUrl are required to match your project layout.


You should use the src path inside your package and point the main key in package.json to the index.js file in src/index.js.

Addon development lifecycle#

If you want to "disable" using the development version of an addon, or keep a more stable version of mrs.developer.json in your source code repository, you can set its developing status by adding a develop key:

  "acme-volto-foo-addon": {
    "package": "@acme/volto-foo-addon",
    "url": "",
    "path": "src",
    "develop": true

You can toggle that key to false and run make install again.

Addon dependencies, yarn workspaces#

If your addon needs to bring in additional JavaScript package dependencies, you'll have to set your addon package as a "Yarn workspace". You do this by adding a workspaces key to the the package.json of your Volto project:

"workspaces": ["src/addons/my-volto-addon"],

It is common practice to use a star glob pattern for the workspaces:

"workspaces": ["src/addons/*"],

If you do this, make sure to always cleanup the src/addons folder whenever you toggle the development status of an addon, as the existence of the addon folder under the src/addons will still influence yarn. Running make install again will do the trick and remove the not required anymore package.