1. Bootstrapping a full Plone 6 project#
We will use the official cookiecutter-plone-starter repository.
The introduction of more tools are in store in order to ease the creation of the boilerplate for a full Plone 6 project, but they might revolve around this cookiecutter template.
1.1. Requirements#
1.1.2. nvm, Node.JS, Yeoman, and Yarn#
First install nvm
and latest Node.JS according to the Plone documentation.
After that, install Yeoman according to the Plone documentation.
Finally, install yarn
according to the Plone documentation.
1.1.3. Docker (optional, but recommended)#
Install Docker
according to the official documentation.
Generate a new Plone 6 Project:
cookiecutter gh:collective/cookiecutter-plone-starter
generates a file structure.
For an initial build of backend and frontend:
make install
In two separate terminal sessions, start backend and frontend:
To start backend:
make backend-start
To start frontend:
make frontend-start
You can stop each one with ctrl-c.
After changes please re-build both with
make build
and restart backend and frontend by stopping and re-running
make backend-start
make frontend-start
1.2. Project Generation Options#
These are all the template options that will be prompted by the Cookiecutter CLI prior to generating your project.
Option |
Description |
Example |
Your project's human-readable name, capitals and spaces allowed. |
Plone Site |
Your project's slug without spaces. Used to name your repository and Docker images. |
plone-site |
Describes your project and gets used in places like |
New site for our company. |
This is you! The value goes into places like |
Our Company |
The email address you want to identify yourself in the project. |
Name of the Python package used to configure your project. It needs to be Python-importable, so no dashes, spaces or special characters are allowed. |
plone_site |
Plone version to be used. This queries for the latest available Plone 6 version and presents it to you as the default value. |
6.0.0b2 |
Volto (Plone Frontend) version to be used. This queries for the latest available stable Volto version and presents it to you as the default value. |
16.0.0-alpha.35 |
Language to be used on the site. |
pt-br |
Used for GitHub and Docker repositories. |
collective |
Container registry to be used. |
Docker Hub |