Shortcuts (name aliases) – Effective Volto – Development tools

Shortcuts (name aliases)#

Volto provides the following available names for JavaScript and LESS imports:

@root / @package#

Volto has in place shortcuts to refer to special places in code. This helps in the build when working on a Volto project (when Volto is used as a library) or in a pure Volto core build.

Both @root and @package points to the current top level of either our Volto project or in pure Volto core.

Deprecated since version Volto: 17.0.0

Since @package naming is confusing, specially in an add-on environment, it will be deprecated from Volto 17.0.0 on, in favor of @root. In the meanwhile, both shortcuts are enabled.

Customizing @root imports.#

There's a few places in Volto that use @root imports. They reference the "Volto project", but an addon can still customize those (in the scenario where you don't want to touch the Volto project generated scaffolding), by creating a file such as src/customizations/@root/theme.js. This way, for example, an addon could implement its own custom semantic.less file:

import '@eeacms/volto-eea-design-system/semantic.less';
import '@plone/volto/../theme/themes/pastanaga/extras/extras.less';


The volto-themes name always points to the current Volto Semanticu-UI themes folder, so it can resolve to either node_modules/@plone/volto/theme/themes or ../theme/themes, etc, depending on how Volto is run.


This name allows access to the original, unshadowed modules. When shadowing one of Volto's modules, you can access the original file and use it in the override.