Installation – Volto Customization for JavaScript Beginners



For the most up-to-date information on how to get started with Volto you can check the official documentation.

Getting started with Volto involves setting up a development environment, understanding its core concepts, and exploring its features. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you begin your journey with Volto:


Before you start working with Volto, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

The versions of Python that are supported in Volto depend on the version of Plone that you use.






16.0 or 17.0


2.7, 3.6-3.8


Depending on the operating system that you are using, some of the following pre-requisites might change. They assume you have a macOS/Linux machine.

Bootstrap a new Volto project#

To bootstrap a new Volto project, you can use Yeoman @plone/generator-volto. First, install it as a global tool (see instructions for installation):

npm install -g yo
npm install -g @plone/generator-volto

Then you can bootstrap the project with:

yo @plone/volto volto-tutorial-project

The yo-based generator partially integrates add-ons (it can generate a package.json with add-ons and workspaces already specified). When prompted to add add-ons, choose false.

Now you can start your newly created Volto project:

cd volto-tutorial-project
yarn start

You can then login with admin/admin at http://localhost:3000/login.

Bootstrap an add-on#

Let's start creating an add-on. We'll create a new package: volto-teaser-tutorial. Inside your Volto project, bootstrap the add-on by running (in the Volto project root):

yo @plone/volto:addon

Note: You can also use the namespace like @plone-collective/volto-teaser-tutorial (or any other) is not required and is optional. We're using namespaces for scoped package under some organisation.

Use volto-teaser-tutorial as the package name. After the scaffolding of the add-on completes, you can check the created files in src/addons/volto-teaser-tutorial.

Back to the project, you can edit jsconfig.json and add your add-on:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "paths": {
      "volto-teaser-tutorial": ["addons/volto-teaser-tutorial/src"]


The jsconfig.json file is needed by Volto to identify development packages. You are not strictly limited to Volto add-ons in its use, you could, for example, use this to make it easier to debug third-party JavaScript packages that are shipped transpiled.

Volto addon script#

Alternatively, if you already have an addon pushed to a remote repository and you want to create a volto development stack with it, you can use our addon script to easily scaffold a dev environment without creating a project externally.

npx -p @plone/scripts addon clone [options] <source> [destination]

This command downloads the volto-teaser-tutorial add-on from its git repository's main branch, and will generate a project with the latest Volto version.

npx -p @plone/scripts addon clone --branch main

(Optional) Use mrs-developer to sync add-on to GitHub#

You can also immediately push the package to GitHub, then use [mrs-developer] to manage the package and jsconfig.json changes.

Install mrs-developer as a development dependency by running:

yarn add -W -D mrs-developer

Create a mrs.developer.json in your project with the following content (adjust it according to your names and repository location):

  "volto-teaser-tutorial": {
    "url": "<namespace>/volto-teaser-tutorial.git",
    "path": "src",
    "package": "volto-teaser-tutorial",
    "branch": "main"

Then run yarn develop, which will bring the package in src/addons and adjust jsconfig.json.

Add the add-on as workspace#

The Volto project becomes a monorepo, with the Volto project being the "workspace root" and each add-on needs to be a "workspace", so that yarn knows that it should include that add-on location as a package and install its dependencies.

You could treat workspaces as major "working environment" for your project. So a yarn install would also install dependencies from src/addons/*

Change the Volto project's package.json to include something like:

  "private": "true",
  "workspaces": [
    "src/addons/volto-teaser-tutorial" // or simply src/addons/*


Don't be scared by that "private": "true" in the Volto project package.json. It's only needed to make sure you can't accidentally publish the package to NPM.

Managing add-on dependencies#

To be able to add dependencies to the add-on, you need to add them via the workspaces machinery by running something like (at the Volto project root):

yarn workspaces info
yarn workspace volto-teaser-tutorial add papaparse


There are several other add-on templates, such as voltocli or eea/volto-addon-template. You could very well decide not to use any of them, and instead bootstrap a new add-on by running:

mkdir -p src/addons/volto-teaser-tutorial
cd src/addons/volto-teaser-tutorial
npm init

Remember, an add-on is just a JavaScript package that exports a configuration loader. Just make sure to point the main in package.json to src/index.js.

Load the add-on in Volto#

To tell Volto about our new add-on, add it to the addons key of the Volto project package.json:

// ...
"addons": ["volto-teaser-tutorial"]
// ...

Add-ons - first look#

Volto add-ons are just plain JavaScript packages with an additional feature: they provide helper functions that mutate Volto's configuration registry.

Their main entry in package.json should point to src/index.js, which should be an ES6 module with a default export. Here is the default add-on configuration loader:

export default (config) => {
  return config;

Pro-Tip 💡


If you want to register a specific profile of an addon, wrap the configuration in a function and provide it after a colon(:) next to addon name. You can also provde a comma seperated multiple loaders profiles. Note the main configuration will be loaded always.

export function simpleLink(config) {
  return installSimpleLink(config);

export function tableButton(config) {
  return installTableButton(config);
"addons": [

Documentation and Resources#

Refer to the official Volto documentation for in-depth guides, tutorials, and examples.

Join the Volto community, participate in discussions, and ask questions on the Volto GitHub repository or the Plone community chat on Discord.


Getting started with Volto may seem complex at first, but with practice and exploration, you'll become more comfortable with its features and capabilities. It offers a powerful and flexible platform for building modern web applications with React and Plone.