Usage of StyleWrapper(Styling Schemas) and StyleMenu – Volto Customization for JavaScript Beginners

Usage of StyleWrapper(Styling Schemas) and StyleMenu

Usage of StyleWrapper(Styling Schemas) and StyleMenu#

Its essential to also control the styling of Blocks and most importantly if the styling is done based on schema or not.

StyleWrapper(Styling Schemas)#

In Volto we have a central wrapper named StyleWrapper which wraps around all the View template of Blocks. The job of stylewrapper is to build and inject style classNames into its children.

In the schema at any point in time, we can call a volto helper which adds styles fields. Which then gets converted into classNames with the prefix --has. Its upto the theme owner in which way they want to add css for it. Simply, the job of StyleWrapper is to inject classNames(build from schema) into their children.

We see that in our Teaser config volto already calls the addStyling in the schema. The job of this function is to add styles field in the styling fieldset in schema provided.

export const TeaserSchema = ({ intl }) => {
  const schema = {
    title: intl.formatMessage(messages.teaser),
    fieldsets: [
        id: "default",
        title: "Default",
        fields: ["href", "title", "head_title", "description", "preview_image"],

    properties: {
      href: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.Target),
        widget: "object_browser",
        mode: "link",
        selectedItemAttrs: [
        allowExternals: true,
      title: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.title),
      head_title: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.head_title),
      description: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.description),
        widget: "textarea",
      preview_image: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.imageOverride),
        widget: "object_browser",
        mode: "image",
        allowExternals: true,
        selectedItemAttrs: ["image_field", "image_scales"],
      openLinkInNewTab: {
        title: intl.formatMessage(messages.openLinkInNewTab),
        type: "boolean",
    required: [],

  addStyling({ schema, intl }); = {
    widget: "align",
    title: intl.formatMessage(messages.align),
    actions: ["left", "right", "center"],
    default: "left",
  };[0].fields = ["align"];

  return schema;

and then we can manipulate those fields by adding whatever styles we want. Let's extend it and add one more style named as image object-fit css property.

In your variation schemaEnhancer:

config.blocks.blocksConfig.teaser.variations = [
    id: "image-top-variation",
    title: "Image(Top) variation",
    template: TeaserBlockImageVariation,
    isDefault: false,
    schemaEnhancer: ({ schema, FormData, intl }) => {
      schema.fieldsets[0].fields.push("creationDate"); = {
        title: "Show creation Date",
        type: "boolean",
      };"CreationDate"); = {
        title: "Object fit",
        description: "Css object fit property",
        choices: [
          ["cover", "cover"],
          ["contain", "contain"],
          ["fill", "fill"],
          ["scale-down", "scale-down"],
          ["none", "none"],
      return schema;

As StyleWrapper wraps around our view component in RenderBlocks. The styleNames should be available in our component's rendered html.

<div class="block teaser has--align--left has--objectFit--contain">
  <a href="/teaser-view">
    <div class="teaser-item overlay">
      <div class="image-wrapper">
          alt="Alt image text"
      <div class="gradiant">
        <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
          <h2>teaser View</h2>

Go ahead and add classNames in your css/less files. Create a file name styles.less inside components/ folder and copy the styles below. Make sure to import this file into index.js.

.has--objectFit--contain {
  img {
    object-fit: contain !important;

.has--objectFit--cover {
  img {
    object-fit: cover !important;

.has--objectFit--fill {
  img {
    object-fit: fill !important;

.has--objectFit--scale-down {
  img {
    object-fit: scale-down !important;


StyleMenu is not the part of Blocks engine instead its a volto-slate plugin and its used to style rich text content only.

In your policy package, you can add styleMenu configuration like:

import paintSVG from "@plone/volto/icons/paint.svg";
import { Icon } from "@plone/volto/components";

config.settings.slate.styleMenu = {
  ...(config.settings.slate.styleMenu || {}),
  blockStyles: [
      cssClass: "primary",
      label: "Primary",
      icon: () => <Icon name={paintSVG} size="18px" />,
      cssClass: "secondary",
      label: "Secondary",
      icon: () => <Icon name={paintSVG} size="18px" />,
      cssClass: "tertiary",
      label: "Tertiary",
      icon: () => <Icon name={paintSVG} size="18px" />,

Make sure to add relevant classNames in your css.